The North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) has reached a significant milestone in its ‘Blood on Board’ project, bringing blood transfusion to critically ill and injured patients across the region. The service administered blood products to its 100th pre-hospital patient in March 2021, after introducing the capability to perform pre-hospital …
21 Apr 2021
Since January the North West Air Ambulance Charity’s (NWAA) retail stores have remained closed, in line with government guidelines. On 12th April they were able to welcome back staff, volunteers and, of course, their customers. Starting their retail adventure over 16 years ago, the North West Air Ambulance Charity opened …
13 Apr 2021
The North West Air Ambulance Charity covers 5,500 square miles of bustling cities, and beautiful countryside. 117km of that area has been traversed by the High Sheriffs of the North West in a blistering fundraising effort, which has raised over £14,577 for our lifesaving service. After seeing our helicopters delivering …
10 Mar 2021
In August 2020, eight-year-old Tommy Carroll from Accrington was caught in a horrifying burns accident after he was caught by the flames in a garden chiminea. After receiving first aid from his dad, Martin Carroll, the North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) was called to scene to provide critical treatment …
05 Mar 2021
How far is it from London to Bangalore? The team at KBE Drinks knows exactly how far – and they have the blisters to prove it! Five members of staff from KBE Drinks took on the challenge of running a total of 5,000 miles between them during 2020. This is …
01 Mar 2021
The North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) has launched an emergency appeal to keep its lifesaving service funded, following 11 months of significant disruption as a result of the pandemic. While the charity has continued to support the NHS on the frontline and provide advanced pre-hospital care to patients in …
10 Feb 2021
In January last year, Jake Cowen, 27, from Oldham, was window cleaning at a property in Warrington with his co-worker and dad, Chris. Suddenly, Jake fell from his ladder, landing badly on the ground, causing him to go into cardiac arrest. Hayley Weeks, who lives at the property where Jake …
10 Feb 2021
Released 4.01.21 In response to the Government’s announcement on 4th January, regarding the third National lockdown due to Covid-19, which is to start with immediate effect, we want to inform all those who support us about the important steps we are taking to protect our employees, volunteers, and supporters. We …
04 Jan 2021
This Road Safety Week (16th – 22nd November), organised by road safety charity Brake, the North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) is supporting a campaign launched by the sister of a patient, who tragically died in a serious collision last year. Elaine Wyper was heartbroken when she lost her sister …
19 Nov 2020