NWAA saves life of Cheshire local in critical road accident

Published: 23rd July 2024

North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) is sharing the story of Abigail Richardson, a 28-year-old Cheshire local who was involved in a critical accident while towing a trailer with her husband and children on the way home for Christmas.

The incident occurred when a lorry passed by the van that Abigail was in, causing a huge gust of wind that made the trailer start swaying and the van rock.

Abigail’s husband warned her of an impending collision with a tree, and the next thing she knew, the door frame and dashboard were crushing her leg, trapping her inside the vehicle. Abigail briefly regained consciousness before passing out again and was trapped in the wreckage with the door and dashboard wrapped around her leg.

Car crashed into tree with medical crew on scene and helicopter in background

Abigail’s life was saved thanks to the prompt and expert response of crew like Martin, a Critical Care Paramedic, who provided lifesaving care at the scene of the accident.

Recent research commissioned by the charity to mark its 25th birthday revealed that 70% of people in the region are unaware of the vital role played by critical care paramedics. These highly skilled professionals provide advanced interventions, administer a wide range of medications, and perform surgical procedures to deliver enhanced pre-hospital care.

Upon arrival at the scene, Martin climbed into the car with Abigail, and was able to get intravenous access so that she could be administered enhanced pain relief like ketamine, antibiotics, and tranexamic acid, to help stop catastrophic bleeding.

Martin and the team supported the Fire and Rescue service to help extricate Abigail from the car. The crew then applied specialist traction splints to her leg and a pelvic binder, while putting trauma dressings on the wounds to her leg and arm, before airlifting her to a major trauma centre for further treatment.

The quick response of the NWAA crew, their expertise in providing enhanced drugs like ketamine, and their ability to deliver critical care early on in Abigail’s journey were crucial factors in her survival and positive outcome.

Abigail and her family at cheshire show stood with Critical Care Paramedic Martin in front of the Charity's events gazebo Abigail lay in a hospital bed with severe injuries

Martin, who was instrumental in saving Abigail’s life, said: “When we arrived at the scene of the RTC (Road Traffic Collision), the high-energy impact was evident in the wreckage of the car, particularly on the passenger side where Abigail was trapped.

“Her injuries were severe; a broken leg, head trauma, and a potentially life-threatening fractured pelvis. The clock was ticking, and rapid extrication was essential to prevent further deterioration.

“As a critical care paramedic, my expertise was put to the test. Administering ketamine for pain relief was crucial, a skill honed over years of specialised training. Getting intravenous access was challenging due to her injuries, but quick thinking and decisive action were paramount.

“The lasting impression of that day will never fade. We were unable to detect any pulse in her foot and were very concerned for the limb. We had a strong suspicion that her pelvis was also fractured which is a potentially life-threatening injury.

“This accident highlighted the critical importance of swift response and the enhanced prehospital care provided by teams like ours. Thanks to our team’s quick response, we were able to provide lifesaving interventions that ultimately led to a positive outcome for Abigail.”

Reflecting on the accident, Abigail commented: “Words can’t express how grateful I am to the North West Air Ambulance Charity. Without the extrication, splinting and drugs they provided I would undoubtedly have either lost my leg or worse, died.

“I owe my entire life to them. The internal bleeding and injuries were just so severe that I would not have stood a chance. I still need surgery on my leg but I’m doing lots better now. Last year, I was in a wheelchair every day and my mobility was next to nothing. I was in bed for 6 months out of the whole year and couldn’t even walk to my kitchen.

“They truly are an amazing charity and I’m proud to support them through fundraising and raising awareness of the vital work they do.”

The North West Air Ambulance Charity continues to provide essential emergency medical care and transportation to those in need across the region. To donate, visit https://donate.nwairambulance.org.uk.