From survivor to supporter: Georgia takes on BTR Liverpool Half Marathon for NWAA

Published: 11th March 2025

Georgia Addy, 23, from Burscough, will be running the BTR Liverpool Half Marathon 2025 on 23rd March, in support of the North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA).

When Georgia was fifteen, she was left seriously injured at the side of the road, after a van mounted the pavement and hit her as she was walking home from school.

She was a few houses away from home when the accident happened, but she was left unconscious and in critical condition for over 10 minutes before anyone found her.

Luckily two neighbours saw her and rang 999, but Georgia had life-threatening injuries and needed critical care.

The North West Air Ambulance Charity was called to the scene. They were able to rapidly airlift her to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital to receive the care she needed as soon as possible.

Georgia suffered multiple fractures and injuries to her body as well as a brain injury and a stroke.

Nine years on, she has fully recovered physically and has developed a passion for running.

Georgia recently met up with the NWAA crew, who have a special place in her heart, she said: “I nearly died, but NWAA came and saved me. I was in a critical condition, at one point my GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale, a tool used to measure consciousness in patients) was three and I was unresponsive. I had cuts all over my face, I didn’t think I would survive, and I am entirely grateful to them.”

When Georgia took up running, she wanted to do something for the charity that helped to save her life. Last year she raised over £700 by running, she said: “NWAA now has a special place in my heart, and I just want to do something for them.

“I think it’s a great way to show support for this amazing charity but also show how important this charity is because without their service I wouldn’t be alive, especially not running!”

Four people stood in front of the charity's yellow helicopter on a helipad - Two are dressed in red flight suits, and the others are in black and blue jeans Georgia, wearing blue jeans and a black top, stood with the NWAA's critical care paramedics, who are wearing red flight suits

Last year, Georgia took on the Manchester Half Marathon and the Great North Run. She explained the benefits running has for her: “I feel so peaceful when running, my brain feels like chaos, and then when I’m running it’s just calm.

“I get a lot of clarity from it, especially when it’s just me and my headphones, I often find it addictive.  The songs I listen to when on a training run make me remember that I can get through hard times and do hard things.

“I’m looking forward to the half marathon, I love running – plus I love Liverpool, it’s a great city.”

Although places to take part in the BTR Liverpool Half Marathon have sold out, if you were lucky to get one you can still run in support of NWAA.

Join the team by making a JustGiving page and when you receive your first donation you will be entered into a prize draw for a £200 Amazon gift card.

To find out more about NWAA and how you can save lives like Georgia’s, head to