The biggest Santa Dash in the UK is back!
The 5k Santa Dash was established in 2004 and secured the Guinness World Record status for the Biggest Santa Gathering in 2005. Is there a better way to kick-start Christmas than joining a sea of Santas?
The dash starts at the world-famous Pier Head, in front of the Liver Building and heads off through the city centre. You will pass the Royal Albert Dock and head towards the finish line in front of the Town Hall.
How to get involved
Get your FREE charity place by pledging to raise a minimum of £75 and completing the form below. You will be sent a discount code to register with the event organisers BTR Liverpool to get your Santa Suit and race number.
How we’ll support you
As a member of Team NWAA, we promise to give you lots of support and encouragement along the way. You’ll be offered a fundraising pack filled with hints, tips and ideas to increase your fundraising, a free NWAA t-shirt and NWAA Santa hat to wear on the day and supporter signs to cheer you on! Our events team will be there to support all aspects of your fundraising – it is only thanks to your generosity that we can do what we do.
If you have any questions or would like further information, you can get in touch by emailing
#NWAAmazing #liverpool #merseyside #pierhead #santa #santadash #christmas #5k #run
Liverpool Santa Dash
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