Family Thanks Charity After Their Son Suffered Severe Burns From a Cup of Tea

Published: 7th June 2024

A family from Cheshire have said thank you to the North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) who saved their son’s life after he burned himself on a hot cup of tea.

On Wednesday 17th May 2022, a tragic accident occurred that forever changed the lives of the Downes family. Jenson, then 2 years old, accidentally poured boiling tea over himself, causing severe injuries.

In a state of shock and horror, Jenson’s parents called 999 for help, the crew quickly arrived on the scene, providing specialist lifesaving care to Jenson including advanced pain relief and fluids.

The crew then flew him from his home in Cheshire to the most appropriate hospital for his injuries. The journey to Manchester Children’s Hospital would have taken over an hour by road but took only 17 minutes by air. The crew’s expertise and professionalism were crucial in ensuring Jenson received the immediate medical attention he needed.

Jenson suffered burns to the right side of his body and face, requiring a skin graft on his right shoulder. For the next 10 days, he underwent treatment and care, with his parents by his side every step of the way.

The Downes family is grateful beyond words for the assistance they received during their darkest hour and even visited the base to meet the crew that supported Jenson.

Jenson’s Mum, Michelle Downes, said: “Our family will forever be grateful to NWAA Charity for helping our son when he needed it most.

“The impact of the charity on everyday families like ours is immeasurable. They are a lifeline in times of crisis, providing expert care and support when it is needed most. Without their quick response and interventions, our story could have had a very different ending.”

This heart-wrenching story highlights the real impact the charity has on individuals and families who find themselves in desperate situations.

Dave Briggs, Director of Operations at North West Air Ambulance Charity, said: “We are truly grateful for the overwhelming support we receive from the public, but it is clear from these statistics that there is still work to be done in raising awareness about the vital role NWAA plays in emergency medical care.

“As we celebrate our 25th birthday, we are calling on the people of the North West to continue supporting us in our mission to save lives.”

With the support of the community, the charity can continue to make a difference and ensure that the people of the North West are supported by this lifesaving service.