Celebrating 10 years of working for NWAA

Published: 8th March 2023

Supporter Engagement Assistant Lauren is celebrating her 10th anniversary of working with the North West Air Ambulance Charity and says it’s the most rewarding job ever!’

And Lauren, 31, hopes she continues for at least another decade enjoying her time as part of a team that ‘continues to save lives’.

Married-mum-of-two Lauren will be saluting International Women’s Day on Wednesday when women around the world – like her and all of her female colleagues – will be recognised for their achievements.

She studied events management at Liverpool John Moore’s University and began her career at the charity as a Marketing Assistant and later a Fundraising Assistant before moving to her present role.

Lauren joined the charity at the time she was about to get married and move into her own home and was looking for a full-time job with a regular salary and a friend pointed her in the direction of NWAA.

“I have never regretted the move for one second,” said Lauren, who with husband her Michael, has two boys Joshua, 6, and Luca, 3.

She added: “What the charity does is the reason I come to work. Hearing all of our patient’s stories and speaking to them just amazes me on a daily basis”.

Supporter Engagement Assistant Lauren celebrating her 10 year anniversary working with NWAA. Lauren is holding a white cake with yellow and blue flowers and 'Congratulations' is written on it.Supporter Engagement Assistant Lauren at her desk with yellow, pink and white flowers, a gift bag and balloons.












We asked Lauren her views on International Women’s Day and this year’s theme #EmbraceEquity


Who was your woman role model when you were a child or teenager?

When I was younger my mum, grandma and nana all played a massive part in my life and continue to do so. They have instilled good values which I now pass on to my children.


Which women in the world do you admire now?

All same three again! Their drive and resilience continue to make me in awe of them. My mum fosters and watching her do this shows me exactly the type of person she is and made me the mum I am.


Is there a female at the NWAA who you admire for their achievements?

Over my 10 years here I have watched a lot of women come from a volunteering position into a paid role and I have admired the work ethic they have consistently shown.


What do you think of the theme #EmbraceEquity?

There is a difference between equality and equity. Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and needs the exact resources and opportunities to reach an equal outcome. So, I believe we must all strive to be inclusive. There is such a wide variety of people in this world and lots often need an appropriate resource to allow them to join in.


Is Equity a nice-to-have or a must-have?

It is definitely a must-have. We need to be inclusive of everyone to ensure that they can fulfil any role without being penalised for lack of resources.


Does the NWAA embrace Equity?

Yes, we do. We have a diverse range of volunteers and staff members and making sure they all have an equal opportunity to carry out their roles may require different resources. For example, one person may need an adapted keyboard, or another a specific chair. Small changes which very important.


Is Equity something we all should embrace?

Yes, everyone, not just people here, should be able to carry out their job the same as everyone else if the only obstacle is a resource issue. Most places now should be aware and know how to instil equity into their workplace and into daily life.


Do you believe Equality is the goal and Equity is the means by which to get there?

Yes! Without having the necessary resources and opportunities for everyone we will never achieve equality.

Supporter Engagement Assistant Lauren in the International Womens Day pose for 2023

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